The safety of our users is very important to us. There are steps that everyone can follow to ensure their safety while using Lavaan. Please take a few minutes to read these tips.
Ignore any request to send money – even if the person claims to be in an emergency – and report it to us immediately. Never give out financial information such as your credit card number or bank information.
Keep your personal information safe:
You are in control of your Lavaan experience at all times – remain anonymous until you feel ready. Be careful about sharing personal information, until you are comfortable enough with someone to share it. Also, leave any personal contact information out of your Lavaan profile.
Lavaan will never send you an email asking for your username and password information. Any such communication should be reported immediately.
There are red flags to watch out for that may indicate you’re dealing with a scammer. Be aware of anyone who:
1. Asks you for money:
Vanishes mysteriously then reappears under a different name
Asks for your address under the guise of sending flowers or gifts
2. Report suspicious users:
Please report anyone who violates our terms of use. Examples of terms of use
3. Report suspicious users:
First meetings are exciting, but always take precautions and follow these guidelines to help you stay safe: