Manpreet Singh Photography
London | Midlands | Worldwide



About Manpreet Singh Photography Videographers, Photographers :

I have been servicing the wedding industry since 2002, embracing different roles and finding my passion of getting to know people. I started my photography career in weddings in 2011 and enjoyed it so much, I incorporated in 2015 and have never looked back. To date, I have had the pleasure of capturing well over 3000 weddings and have an immense amount of experience.

I am a firm believer that everyone is beautiful in their own way through their individuality. My passion is to show this individuality and to leave a lasting stamp of one’s personality that can be shared for generations. Weddings can be the most exceptional of occasions. They are full of emotion, liveliness and amazing colour. Every wedding has its own characteristics and traditions that can last for many a day, but one thing that is always the same is the positive response I receive from couples that I photograph…this is the greatest souvenir for me.

My style and approach is to go unnoticed and not to obstruct the flow of the day. This enables me to capture your precious moments in their natural form. By understanding the different structures of the ceremonies I am able to anticipate my shots in advance and can ensure I am in a well placed position ready to capture the moment.

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